Velvet Green.

Yeah so like I said, I’ve become a HUGE gardening nerd. HUGE. Constant trips to nurseries, umming and ahhhing over pots, sneakily grabbing random cuttings on walks, surfing the net to try and learn what the hell to do with said cuttings, running out in the morning to see what has changed or blossomed. I love it.

And I’ve just found a girl after my own heart – Kelly Ash. Horticulturist, writer, photographer.

Photos: Kelly Ash

Nick Brandt.

I’m extremely lucky at work to sit next to my friend who has the same off (off) beat sense of humour as I do. She makes me laugh all day without fail. And I mean really laugh. Like, tears in the eyes, laugh. She also loves animals as much as I do and has this beautiful Nick Brandt elephant shot as her screensaver. Every time I see it I’m shocked by how striking it is. Africa sure is a long way from Australia but it may be getting about that time to pay it a visit.

Photo: via melisaki

Photo: via A Chic Direction

Photo: via Jade HopcroftPhoto: via Jade Hopcroft

The Greenhouse.

Hello again patient friend! How are you?

I’m good, busy, but good. And I’ve become obsessed with gardening. For the first time in my life, I have my own (little) garden. And I love it more than I ever thought I could. If I’m stuck in traffic, instead of planning my dinner, I think about what I can do to juzz it up. How’s that for old age kicking in?

Especially inspiring is Wendy’s Garden (bottom two photos). A derelict piece of land Wendy Whiteley (artist Brett Whiteley’s widow) secretly started landscaping by Sydney Harbour. A tiny haven in the middle of a crazy city. Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to the nursery we go.

Photo: via Personal Garden Coach

Photo: via The Jewel Box Home

Photo: via Davinong

Photo: via Sydney Daily Photo

Photo: via Saya’s Soulful

Interesting pins.

I’m pretty lazy when it comes to pinterest, as evidenced by my only having one follower (thank you whoever you are), but damn I love me a pinterest competition. I love the challenge (and excuse) of roaming around the net, seeking out beautiful things/images, often in colours you wouldn’t gravitate to naturally. This time it was yellow. Let me tell you, there ain’t nothin’ mellow about yellow. It is amazing. I sent the final board to my friend who told me about the competition and she said it made her want to wear yellow tomorrow.

The catch? That all the boards go into a draw – no skill involved. If dopey here had maybe read the instructions..

But you know what? If I hadn’t spent all those hours surfing around for ‘lemon’ or ‘sunshine’, how would I ever have known that yellow and I were meant TO BE. You heard it here first. Yellow and I are going steady this summer.

(Oh and if you have nothing better to do and want to see the whole board, just click on the pic).


I know the below post is Flower Friday, but it’s a sad day in Australia. A young Irish girl disappeared from a busy street in Melbourne almost a week ago and the country has been beside itself waiting for news. Today the worst outcome possible was confirmed. These flowers are for Jill and those who loved her.

Photo: via The Wedding Artists Collective